How To Use AWS Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) To Protect Your Secrets ?
In the ever-changing cloud computing landscape, protecting tangible information is paramount. Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) is emerging as the key to protecting your secrets, encryption keys, and personal data. This article will walk you through how to use Cloud KMS to strengthen the security of your packages and services....
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How Does Virtual Hosting Works?
Your tech stack’s performance and speed greatly matter in today’s tech-centric digital era. Investing in these tools is quite expensive as it costs thousands of bucks to maintain them. That’s why, as a business owner, you can make a prudent decision to find some middle ways to get things done in zero-to-nominal investments....
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How to Get Object in AWS S3 Using UI & CLI ?
The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) is a scalable object storage service that allows you to store and retrieve any amount of data at any time. The AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js provides the getObject method, which can be used to download objects from S3....
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Understand AWS Regions vs. Availability Zones
Amazon EC2 is an essential help inside Amazon Web Services/Administrations (AWS) that empowers clients to arrangement and oversee virtual servers in the cloud...
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Implementing Autoscaling In Amazon EKS
Amazon EKS is a managed Kubernetes service, whereas autoscaling is a key feature of Kubernetes, where the number of pods will automatically scale up or scale down based on the traffic the application receives. In this guide, I have first discussed what Amazon EKS is. Then I discussed the autoscaling feature. After this, I have walked you through the different steps to implement autoscaling on an Amazon EKS cluster....
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Creating SNS And SQS Using Terraform
Terraform, is an open-source and specific infrastructure as a code (IaC) tool developed by HashiCorp. that helps the Terraform users to build, change, and version their infrastructure in the most secure and efficient way. using terraform, users can manage resources such as virtual machines, storage, and network through infrastructure provisioning and management....
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How To Control Traffic To Subnets Using Network ACLs In AWS ?
Controlling traffic to subnets utilizing Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) is a vital part of managing the security and openness of resources inside an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). NACLs act as virtual firewalls, managing inbound and outbound traffic flow at the subnet level. By defining explicit standards, administrators can manage the types of traffic allowed to enter or exit assigned subnets, subsequently upgrading network security and ensuring consistency with authoritative policies....
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What Is Amazon Ledger Database? How To Setup Amazon QLDB
A ledger database acts like a digital notebook where accounting records can be stored. Rather than the physical book with leaves, it is a digital software on a computer that keeps track of financial transactions and makes financial information more easy to manage. A Ledger can be used to determine the database under which records likes financial exchanges, such as payments or sales exists. These exchanges feature date, people involved, and the amount of money that was paid....
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Setting Up Your First Robotics Development Environment With AWS RoboMaker
AWS RoboMaker is a service for robotic developers provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). This service helps its users to build robot applications easily. The structure of the RoboMaker is like a big toolbox filled with everything a user needs to create, test, and launch their robotic systems. It also provides a simulation environment for the robotics application development which is powered by Gazebo....
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How To Integrate EC2 Image Builder With AWS Services
EC2 means Elastic Compute Cloud. Ec2 and EC2 Image Builder are two different services given by AWS with different purposes. EC2 is used for running applications, hosting websites, processing data, and other computing operations in AWS, while EC2 Image Builder is used for creating custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) with specified configurations and settings for EC2 instances....
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Making A Text2Speech Application In Android Using Amazon Web Services (AWS Polly)
A text-to-speech application is an application that converts text into life-like speech. In this project, we will be making use of Android Studio IDE for our front end and Amazon Web Services (AWS) as our back end. AWS provides a lot of services including AWS Polly which we will be using in this project. AWS Polly uses deep learning technologies to synthesize natural-sounding human speech....
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How To Delete Elastic IP In AWS?
Amazon Web Services (AWS) gives an exhaustive arrangement of distributed computing administrations, and Amazon Versatile Figure Cloud (EC2) is an essential part that permits clients to run virtual servers in the cloud. While working with EC2 occurrences, you frequently experience Versatile IP (EIP), a static public IP address intended for dynamic distributed computing....
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